Why Inkjet Printer Cartridges Dry Out

You’re probably sick of all the ruined prints and wasted cartridge money if any of your office printers use ink cartridges that have a tendency to dry out. In fact, there are several causes of printer ink drying out, and the majority of them can be easily fixed.

Infrequent Use

Infrequent use is one of the main reasons of dried-out inkjet cartridges. The ink on one of your business printers can run out in a couple of months if it is rarely used. There are two solutions to this issue. The printer in question can firstly be used to print a few documents once a week. You could also refrain from using inkjet cartridges in any unused office printers. There is no point in wasting cartridges if the printers aren’t going to be used.

Improper Storage

Dried-out ink might also result from improper inkjet cartridge storage. Make it a point to stand the cartridges upright when storing them. The ink will eventually be able to pass through the sponge if it is allowed to settle at the bottom of the cartridge. The ink is likely to collect at the top of an inkjet cartridge when it is stored on its side, which can result in streaky, hazy prints and dried-out ink.

Dirty Cartridge Heads

Dried-out ink might also result from improper inkjet cartridge storage. Make it a point to stand the cartridges upright when storing them. The ink will eventually be able to pass through the sponge if it is allowed to settle at the bottom of the cartridge. The ink is likely to collect at the top of an inkjet cartridge when it is stored on its side, which can result in streaky, hazy prints and dried-out ink.

Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures, either too hot or too cold, have also been known to dry out printer ink, particularly in the case of seldom-used cartridges. For this reason, it is best to keep your office temperature at a comfortable 68 degrees. While you may be tempted to crank up the heat in the winter or blast the AC in the summer, just remember that your inkjet cartridges may suffer for it in the long run.

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